Thời gian sản xuất và đăng tải video dự thi: Từ ngày 02/06/2024 đến 23:59 ngày 12/06/2024
Thời hạn bình chọn video: Từ ngày 13/06/2024 đến 23:59 ngày 23/06/2024
Cơ cấu giải thưởng: Top 20 Vòng Chung Kết tiếp tục kêu gọi bình chọn cho video dự thi để có cơ hội giành được giải thưởng là 01 suất tham gia trại hè tại Việt Nam cho học sinh và phụ huynh trị giá 70.000.000 VNĐ và tiền mặt trị giá 5.000.000 VNĐ.
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Tất cả

234 | Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Khiêm | Lớp 6a1 | THCS Lê Quí Đôn, Hậu Giang

0 lượt bình chọn

Thí sinh: Nguyễn Đặng Hoàng Khiêm

Lớp: 6a1

Trường: THCS Lê Quí Đôn

Tỉnh/thành phố: Hậu Giang

Nội dung video:
Hello everyone. My name: Nguyen Dang Hoang Khiem. I am studying grade 6, at Le Quy Don junior high school. My school is located in Vi Thanh city, Hau Giang province. Today, I will talk about the topic: soft skill in future. Nowadays, technology and artificial intelligence are developing quickly and are used in both studying and work. Therefore, with my own perspective, in the future, to be able to study and work better, we should have the following soft skills: Teamwork skills; critical thinking; time management skills; communication skills… and anything else… In many skills , I think teamwork skills and critical thinking are useful for me. Teamwork skills: We learn in a group environment. So, teamwork skills will be very helpful to us. We can talk and find the best way when teachers give questions, challenges, problems that need to solve in learning. When there are many friends in the group, there will be many opinions, many different perspectives, so the results will be better. While working in a group, we will also learn how to communicate more effectively. This will help us a lot both learning and future work. Critical thinking: In the current situation, there is a lot of information including both accurate and incorrect information. We need to analyze and evaluate the information we have from different perspectives. Through this process, we can understand, clarify, and confirm the accuracy of the information we are receiving to have an appropriate handling direction. Critical thinking not only helps improve language skills and presentation but also helps us confidently express ourselves in front of a crowd by learning to analyze, and at the same time, develop problem-solving skills. Each of us has goodness and weaknesses. However, soft skills are skills that we can try to learn and improve. This will be very helpful for us both now and in the future when information technology and artificial intelligence explode at a fast pace. So, when we want to improve any soft skill, let’s continue to try every day. The more you practice, the easier everything will become. Don’t avoid learning new soft skills and right now focus on our current learning goals as well as our future careers.; #HoidongDoiTrunguong #VSCDC #AnhnguOKO #ThieunienVietNam #Congdantoancau
