Thời gian sản xuất và đăng tải video dự thi: Từ ngày 02/06/2024 đến 23:59 ngày 12/06/2024
Thời hạn bình chọn video: Từ ngày 13/06/2024 đến 23:59 ngày 23/06/2024
Cơ cấu giải thưởng: Top 20 Vòng Chung Kết tiếp tục kêu gọi bình chọn cho video dự thi để có cơ hội giành được giải thưởng là 01 suất tham gia trại hè tại Việt Nam cho học sinh và phụ huynh trị giá 70.000.000 VNĐ và tiền mặt trị giá 5.000.000 VNĐ.
Điều khoản và điều kiện

Tất cả

90 | Nguyễn Tuyết Nhi | Lớp 6B | Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Đội Cấn, Tuyên Quang

0 lượt bình chọn

Thí sinh: Nguyễn Tuyết Nhi

Lớp: 6B

Trường: Trường Trung Học Cơ Sở Đội Cấn

Tỉnh/thành phố: Tuyên Quang

Nội dung video:
Hello all of you! My name is Nguyen Tuyet Nhi, a student of class 6B at Doi Can Secondary School, Tuyen Quang city, Tuyen Quang province. I am very happy and proud to be a child of the revolutionary homeland, the resistance capital, and even more proud when I participate in the semi-finals of the Vietnamese Children's Playground - Global Citizen; Please vote for me. Hey guys! The current era is the era of 4.0 technology and world integration. The technological era brings many new things to human life and one of them is the phrase "Global Citizen". Global citizenship is a concept that is increasingly popular around the world. It refers to people who live and work in many different countries. They can have one or more nationalities without the boundaries, geography or culture of other countries. Global citizens or people in general live together on this planet and we have a responsibility to stick together to help the world develop in a more civilized direction. In this day and age, integrating into the world is extremely necessary to have a better connection to the knowledge of professions. If we do not integrate, we can be left behind and lose the opportunity to develop. Being engaged in the world can help us make the most of our potential and face global challenges. To become a global citizen, we need to have knowledge and understand the common values of each region. A sense of responsibility and self-awareness is indispensable in fulfilling responsibilities to the world community. However, in life there are still many people who are conservative and do not integrate to learn and acquire new knowledge. There are also people who follow "foreign" lifestyles, then criticize national traditions. Both of these cases deserve criticism. In the past, President Ho Chi Minh traveled all over the world to find a way to save the country. During his journey, he visited many countries and came into contact with many cultures around the world. He both studied and acquired knowledge from those countries while preserving the core Vietnamese culture. Uncle Ho is loved, admired by international friends and respected by all Vietnamese people. Even though he was far from home, he never forgot his roots. People live simply with stilt houses, fish ponds and eat frugal food. That's what a global citizen is. From there, we can see that the harmonious combination between absorbing hu#HoidongDoiTrunguong #VSCDC #AnhnguOKO #ThieunienVietNam #Congdantoancau #sancho
